Upcoming events:
January 6 Start on indoor batting practice at DBATS -- Mondays and Thursdays
from 10 AM until noon. The cost is $5.00.
January 6 Start of softball activities at CAPS field house on Canal Road. These will meet only on Mondays. Cost is $11.00. The times will be determined.
March 6, Huff-N-Puffer meeting beginning at 10 A.M.
March 10, Monday, Umpire training at CAPS from 12 noon until 2 PM
March 13, Division I draft
March 19, Wednesday. Umpire training at CAPS from 12 noon until 2 PM
March 20, Division II draft
March 27, Division III draft
May 1 Huff-N-Puffer Opening Day (the first games of the regular season.)
May 26 Memorial Day -- No games scheduled.
June 9 Hot Dog Roast.
August 6 All Star Games and Steak Roast.
August 14 End of the regular season -- possible make-up games or start of playoff games.